Sorry (once again) that posts are lacking... I've been so busy! Not only with school, but also Christian was here on leave for the last few days (he came Sept. 2), but he left on Sunday. It's so lonely without him... Anyways, my birthday isn't until the 16th but he couldn't stay that long, so he took me out Saturday. He took me to a restaurant called Farallon in San Fransisco.. it was so beautiful!

Of course, I had to get all dolled up! Here are photos of 'the works'.
My face that night:
Maybelline concealer
translucent powder
Pinch O' Peach
NYX Milk
Soft Brown
Creole Beauty
Vanilla pigment
Solar White
W&W creme liner
L'oreal mascara
some Red Cherry lashes... #82 I think


I was trying to go all out pin-up, so I just had to do a half moon mani.

2 coats Zoya Purity, 2 coats China Glaze Ravishing Dahling.
And of course, the obligatory couple shots!

The dress and shoes were gifts from him :')
Thanks so much for looking! I have got more photos coming up- ones from the camping trip we took together! I'll get them up as soon as I can :)