
1. Thank and link back to the person that awarded you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award
I love reading these. So, all of my 1000+ readers are tagged! PLEASE do it! It's so much fun to read!
1. I am a huge, huge bookworm. My favorite authors are Jonathan Kellerman, Val McDermid, and Jason Starr. My favorite book will always be American Psycho.

2. In correlation with the previous fact, I am obsessed with murders, mysteries, cold cases, and the like. I can't stop watching the Investigation Discovery channel on TV! So fascinating.

3. Christian is exactly 2 and a half years older than me. We met in high school.

4. I'm currently a full time student, but I work part time at Hollister. I do like my job! This is the store I work at (Great Mall, for all my Bay Area readers!):

5. I plan to get my MA in psychology. Later on down the road, I plan to become a marriage/family therapist.

6. I LOVE cross stitching. At heart, I am such a nerd. This is what I am currently working on:

7. My mom is my best friend. She is the most amazing woman. I love you, mommy!
Thanks for reading (and getting to know me a bit more)!